How is “caste” indicated (think about clothes, hairstyle, body decorations, manner of speaking, material possessions, gender, religion, etc.)?

Respond to this assignment in this week’s Dialogue (Group Discussion) area in Blackboard:

Are there other forms of the Caste System

In South Asia, the caste system divides society into a social hierarchy.  Traditionally, a person is born into a caste, which cannot be changed.  It affects nearly all aspects of daily life.

  • All human groups have deeply ingrained concepts of relative social status.  Consider the caste system in South Asia as well as social differentiation in your own society.
    • Does the society you live in have anything that resembles the caste system (think about race, gender, location, occupation etc.)?  What are the possible categories in your area?
    • How is “caste” indicated (think about clothes, hairstyle, body decorations, manner of speaking, material possessions, gender, religion, etc.)?
    • What caste would you fit into?
    • What affect does this caste have on your everyday living?
  • Many South Asians have converted from Hinduism to other religions to escape this caste system.  Would you be willing to change your belief system?
  • Faith Integration:  What are your thoughts as to how the Gospel addresses this issue of caste systems?