How much should Sub-Saharan Africa’s current challenges (poverty, conflict, debt, etc.) be attributed to factors such as European colonization or outside forces such as globalization …or how much are they now the responsibility of Africans?

watch at least three of the following short videos from the  PBS Frontline World (Stories by Region – Africa)  site or one longer documentary film from the  PBS Frontline  site. Frontline is a highly respected documentary film producer. While a few of the films are somewhat older, the content is relevant to our study of Sub-Saharan Africa and this week’s DB topic. If any of the links are inaccessible, simply select another film.  

For this week’s DB assignment you should discuss one or both of the following questions:

1. How much should Sub-Saharan Africa’s current challenges (poverty, conflict, debt, etc.) be attributed to factors such as European colonization or outside forces such as globalization …or how much are they now the responsibility of Africans?

2. Does (and if so, how much) the international community have a responsibility to help Africans with challenges such as diseases (HIV/AIDS, Malaria, etc.), poverty, inequitable land distribution, ethnic and religious conflict, debt, etc.? If so, please give some specific examples of what should and can be done.