Compare/Contrast Gilgamesh and Beowulf. Who would you rather be your leader?

Our second essay assignment is listed below. You are to choose from one of the three topics and write a two page essayNO OUTSIDE SOURCES are needed. The ONLY source you need is the text that we read. (No Wikipedia, Cliffnotes, Sparknotes or any other online articles/sources needed.) You should answer the question and respond IN YOUR OWN WORDS, using only  the text link that I provided to cite from.  I do check for PLAGIARISM. Your grade will result in an F if caught.

  • Your essay should be in MLA format. No other formats are acceptable. No cover sheet is needed.
  • All essays must have a Heading (name, teacher’s name, class, date on the left of paper), Title, and Header (last name and page number in upper right corner)
  • 12 font, double-spaced
  • 2 FULL pages
  • Upload in PDF format to Canvas


1. Analyze the differences in the three fights and explain how they trace the development of Beowulf as a hero.

2. Was Beowulf’s cockiness/confidence an asset to his character or a tragic flaw?

3. Compare/Contrast Gilgamesh and Beowulf. Who would you rather be your leader?