Using ideas from the web articles, Write a 3-5 paragraph essay in which you briefly compare and contrast Sarty Snopes’ moral and psychological maturation with that of one other character or speaker from the Week 6 readings.
web articles:
- “American Literature 1914-1945” Vol. D pp. 3-22
- Faulkner, William, “Barn Burning” Vol. D pp. 771-783
- Hughes, Langston. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Vol. D p. 835
- Hughes, Langston. “Theme for English B” Vol. D pp. 844, 845
- Richard Wright. “The Man Who Was Almost a Man” Vol. D pp. 958-970
Also, please read the following web resources:
- Stein, What Are Masterpieces and Why There Are So Few of Them
- Anzia Yezierska (1885-1970)
- Yezierska, Anzia, “America and I”