This project will require you write a at least 5-6 page (Not including works cited page or
graphics), double-spaced research paper. Your paper will be well researched, fully cited, written
professionally, and proofread.
This paper will give you the chance to explore one topic of your choice about globalization in
greater detail. Your paper will be organized around a central question. The question could be that
same as one of the issues discussed in class, or it could be one that you develop on your own.
The following topics are just some examples:
Does global urbanization lead primarily to undesirable consequences?
Should the World continue to rely on Oil as the major source of energy?
Is the threat of global warming real?
Is the International community adequately prepared to address global health pandemics?
Is the global economic crisis a failure of capitalism?
Is social media becoming the most powerful force in global politics?
Will China be the next Superpower?
Is religious and cultural extremism a global security threat?
All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically by first author at the end of the
paper under the heading References.
Citations in text: Use the author-date system as follows:
Jensen (2000) suggested that…
Jensen and Cowen (2000) found…
…as summarized in Richards and Jia (1999).