What are your thoughts on labeling Antifa a terrorist organization considering what Antifa stands for and how it operates?

Antifa (short for “anti-fascist”) is a highly decentralized, oppositional social movement. It encompasses many autonomous groups, networks and individuals. What binds them together is a  and fascist ideas, including white supremacy. Antifa is not a homogeneous entity, and has no identifiable command structure, leadership apparatus or radicalized membership. However, it is important to note that not all Antifa members are essentially anti-violence. 

After quite a few clashes between right-wing and left-wing protesters, former US Attorney General William Barr claimed the left-wing movement Antifa was engaged in domestic terrorism and” Former President Trump  also  to deem Antifa a terrorist organization. 

What are your thoughts on labeling Antifa a terrorist organization considering what Antifa stands for and how it operates?

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