What is the time in Perth, Australia (based on 120°E), if it is 10:45 p.m. Monday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (based on 45°W)?
What is the time and day in Chicago (based on 90°W) if it is 3:15 a.m. Wednesday in Berlin (based on 15°E)?
How many minutes of time does it take for Earth to turn 10°?
If the standard time and day in the open ocean of the Pacific is 6:15 a.m. Friday, December 3 at 30°N, 179° 20’E, what is the time and day at 30°N, 179° 20’W?
If a ship is docked at a port at 30°E and its chronometer shows the time is 2210Z Thursday, what is the local standard time and day.
If you board a plane in Japan (135°E) for a 9 hour flight to Hawaii (150°W) leaving at 9:10 p.m. Monday, what time and day will it be upon arrival?
For a given latitude, if the stated time of sunrise is 7:30 a.m. at 105°W, what is the time of sunrise at 107°W?
What type of scale is used when marking off the start and end points on the edge of a piece of paper and lining these marks up with the scale shown on the map?
What type of scale is used when marking off the start and end points on the edge of a piece of paper and lining these marks up with the scale shown on the map?
In the scale, 1:5000, what is the correct statement about the units of measurement?
On a map with a scale of 1:31,680, what is the distance represented by a measured distance of 4 inches?
If the measured distance on a map is 5 inches and the actual distance between the two points is 20 miles, what is the fractional scale of the map?
In manufacturing a beach ball globe, a company took a map image with the scale expressed all three ways and produced a 10″, 12″, and 16″ model. Which statement is correct about the scale shown on these beach balls?