Describe connections in history, economy, and culture b/w your region and other regions

Local-to-global assignment

Oct 18: draft was due

Nov 15: final version due

2 pages total of writing

Double spaced

APA format

MUST include citations when using information from book or ANY other source

Include the following:

At least 1 paragraph describing a country

At least 1 paragraph describing your region

At least 1 paragraph describing the relationship between your region and the rest of the world

1. At least 1 paragraph describing a country

This is what you wrote in your draft

Include description of your country based on Google Maps

Include description of features of your country based on maps from the TEXTBOOK

2. At least 1 paragraph describing your region

Include description of features of your region using the relevant TEXTBOOK chapter and class lecture

Examples: how is the population distributed? What is the environment like? What are some important historical events that happened in the region?

3. At least 1 paragraph describing the relationship b/w your region and the world

Describe connections in history, economy, and culture b/w your region and other regions

Use TEXTBOOK and other sources from online (MUST CITE—IF NOT, THIS IS PLAGIARISM)

Examples: Latin America is related to the East Asian and the Subsaharan regions because of its involvement in BRICS. BRICS stands for ________________. It began in ________. Its goals are ________.