
Minimum of 350 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 7th edition apa style.

You are the Chief Nursing Officer of a regional acute care facility in the Midwest. You have just been notified that one of your senior nurses with 16 years of experience provided a 2-year-old with the incorrect medication causing the child’s death. The parents of the child are non-English speaking immigrants unfamiliar with American law. 

Upon learning that a medication error occurred resulting in a child’s death, the Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) of a regional acute care facility held a press conference to announce the mistake. The conference centered on reporter questions about why the nurse was not fired. The CNO explained that the nurse was highly regarded and that the problem was a “system” problem, not simply a problem of an incompetent nurse. The CNO also explained that an examination of the medication administration procedures was ordered and that an electronic medication error avoidance system would be implemented to ensure that such an error would not happen again. Consider this scenario to address the following.

  • As the CNO in the scenario, defend your decision to disclose the incident to the media. How does this decision influence value-based healthcare? What risks might you encounter? What impact might this decision have on you personally and professionally?
  • At a regional health consortium, fellow CNOs remark that they would not disclose such an incident to the media. Provide two justifications for withholding disclosure of the error to the public. How does this decision influence value-based healthcare?
  • Imagine you are the patient’s family. How would you want the issue to be handled by the CNO? Explain your rationale.