
Try your own experiment by choosing a challenging online article to read, and listen to 4 different types of music while trying to read and comprehend the article. List the challenging passage in APA format, and answer the following questions for every piece of music:

  • Make a note of the genre of music, (Vivaldi, death metal, jazz, gospel, hip hop, blues, rap, country).
  • Was it easy or difficult to understand the challenging paragraphs?
  • Why do you think it was easier to understand what you were reading while listening to some music and not to others?
  • What impact do you think having certain music in schools or on the job would have on the people in those environments?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format

Musical Challenge


Please post 1 peer response

In the response post, include the following:

  • How do your results from the experiment differ from the original post of this student?
  • In what ways do you agree, and disagree, with your peer’s responses?

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.