Research Paper

Research Paper

APA format!!!!

Research Topic: Comparing two different motor programming approaches: Nuffield Dyspraxia Program (NDP3) and Rapid Syllable Transitions (ReST) to improve speech production in children with childhood apraxia of speech.
It would be using a pre-test and post-test design with 2 different groups of participants.
Must be original, not plagiarized, and different from anything else published like it.
Attached is a sample paper on a different topic for the same class. 

Chapter I Review of the Literature
Introduction: This is your first subheading. Introduce the topic overall in your first paragraph; then, follow with a “roadmap” paragraph which starts off with one sentence about the purpose of your particular study and then tells the reader what will be presented in the review of the literature.
This entire section should be no more than 2-3 paragraphs

Subheadings Particular to your Topic Area; HEART OF LITERATURE REVIEW; remember, as you review the literature, you start out broad and then narrow your topics to be closer to the specific area related to your study. THINK OF A FUNNEL! References must be presented to support the information you are citing throughout this section of the paper. This section should be about 8 -20 pages, depending upon the availability of research in the topic area you are investigating. AND THERE SHOULD BE SEVERAL SUBHEADINGS RELATED TO THE AREAS YOU ARE DISCUSSING.
Subheadings for my paper should include the Nuffield Dyspraxia Program (NDP3), Rapid Syllable Transitions (ReST), typical speech production, motor programming, and childhood apraxia of speech.
Summary and Rationale: This needs to be a SUMMARY of the literature you have presented in the body of paper (literature review). Needs to be in YOUR OWN WORDS, NO CITING OF REFERENCES. NO NEW INFORMATION SHOULD BE INTRODUCED IN THIS SECTION. At this point, you are building a case for conducting your proposed study. This is a SUMMARY of the important points you have discussed in your literature review. Then you use the summary to provide a clear rationale or reason for why you are conducting your particular study.
This section should be no more than 2-3 pages.

Plan of Study and Experimental Questions/Hypotheses: This is the conclusion of your literature review (Chapter I). You present a paragraph briefly describing your particular study followed by the specific and definitive experimental questions or hypotheses you are going to answer with your 
No longer than a half-page to a page.

Chapter II Proposed Method
Participants: clear description of participants, how selected, all criteria Pre-experimental testing: description of any tests or testing you are conducting to select participants

General Information: where participants were recruited from, where they will be tested, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval information of the study, length of protocol or Testing (your study), how many sessions or time you will need to complete study for each participant.

Experimental Testing: presentation of the exact materials, procedures, equipment (if appropriate) for your study. HERE YOU ARE ONLY DISCUSSING THE MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ACTUAL STUDY; do NOT include description of PRE- EXPERIMENTAL TESTS OR PROCEDURES.

Materials: the actual stimuli of your study…can be toys, pictures, tests, new protocols, etc. if it is a test or materials already published, you need to include the appropriate citation.

Procedures: exactly how the study will be carried out for each participant. THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Be very specific.

Equipment: Description of any equipment used and how used in study as appropriate; include citation as appropriate. You may not have any equipment. Entire Chapter should be about 2-5 pages depending upon complexity of your study.

Chapter III Design and Analysis of Study
Reliability: depending on study and use of operational definitions as needed, you may need to report reliability information…here report HOW it will be conducted (discussed in class)

Design: Describe the design of the study (e.g., randomized; single subject, two group; etc).; tell how many variables, both between and within subject variables, and how many levels within each variable.

Analysis: WHAT IS GOING TO BE SPECIFICALLY ANALYZED? (what are you Measuring: that is, the DEPENDENT VARIABLE(S)); how is the data to be analyzed (e.g., parametric, nonparametric, effect size (if needed); which specific statistic; post hoc test, if appropriate). Should follow along with your experimental questions. Remember you will probably have more than one analysis, statistical test, because you will have more than one experimental question.
This Chapter should be no more than 2 pages.