On The Spot Courier Services

Here are tips for creating an excellent project:

1. Please do not have the questions from the assignment in the document. The questions are simply the requirements for the report that you are writing. The headings and narrative you add to the document will be enough to explain the section and why it’s in the document.
2. Please add narratives to your sections, subsections, figure explanations, etc. For example, don’t just list actors. You need to explain to the reader what this section is about,  why these actors were chosen, and perhaps a brief description of the actors.  For example, your section may start off like this “This section/subsection is a result of our use-case analysis where we have identified the users (actors) for the proposed system…” (You use own wording and style of course).

Case Study: On the Spot  Courier Services

1. Using information from chapter 8 and previous information from the running case study paragraphs over the previous chapters, list at least five domain model classes that form the core functionality of the system.

2. List at least five tables corresponding to the domain model classes above. Include the following information for each of the tables: primary key, foreign keys to other tables, and other attributes that you think is needed to characterize the class. Also include whether or not the table is in third normal form or not – and why.

3. Develop a multilayer sequence diagram for the use case you fully developed in the milestone 1 project that includes the domain classes and data access layers. This should be similar to the example shown in Figure 13-18, 13-19, and 13-20.

4. Develop a package diagram that includes all the problem domain classes and organized around the major subsystems. Use Figures 13-25 as an examples of the diagram that is organized around the View, Domain, and Data Access layers.

5. In designing a deployment architecture for the system, what are at least five design considerations you would take to implement a scalable, highly available, and secure run time environment?