read the articles and answer the following question.

1. Read the attached article “Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us”Preview the document by Bill Joy. Appeared in Wired, issue 8.04, April 2000;
2. Read a summary of Professor Peter Singer’s lecture on ethics and technology; (Links to an external site.)

3. Read Tech Ethics Issues We Should All Be Thinking About In 2019 (Links to an external site.).

4. Write a paper containing answer to the following questions. Your paper should present your understanding of ethical dimensions and unintended consequences of technology.

  • What do you strongly agree with in the articles? and Why? (20 points)
  • What do you disagree with in the articles? and Why? (20 points)
  • What kind of person Bill Joy seems to you, an idiot, a Luddite, or a genius? and Why? (5 points)
  • Are the assumptions in both the articles sound? (5 points)


Please make your analytic points specific; The paper cannot be just a collection of generalities and cannot contain too many direct quotes from the articles. Find something interesting to say. Reference any ideas that are not your own in APA format.

The paper should be at least 1 page but no more than 2 pages long, single line spacing, use a font size of minimum 10 points but no larger than 12 point. Set margins to 1 inch on all sides. Use correct grammar.

Save your paper in a Word document and name it as P4_FL.docx where FL are your first and last name initials. Use the link Assignments -> Project 4 to submit your document.