BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business
BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational
Marketing Objectives
Mode | Classroom Delivery
BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Supporting: BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business; May also support other qualifications based on respective packaging rules
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Learner’s Guide | V
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction 5
2. Unit Overview 5
3. Competency Standards 6
AQF Descriptor 6
4. Delivery Plan 10
Delivery Arrangement 10
Delivery Conditions 10
Lesson Topics and Plan 10
Suggested Learner Resources 12
5. Assessment Plan 19
Assessment Method 19
Submission of Work 20
Assessment Tasks and Schedule 21
6. Assessment Tasks 22
Assessment Task 1: 22
Assessment Task 2:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 4 Assessment Task 3:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………..27
7. Academic Policies and Processes………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29
Learner’s Guide | V
Unit of Competency : BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Total Delivery Hours : TBA
Schedule : TBA
Cluster/Term : TBA
1. Introduction
Welcome to the learner’s guide for this unit of competency for the qualification BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business. This guide provides you with essential information on competency standards, delivery plan and schedule, assessment plan, assessment tasks and learning resources for this unit of competency.
The purpose of this learner’s guide is to:
? Provide you with information on delivery schedule and plan of this unit
? Ensure the you understand how students will be assessed in this unit
? Provide information on assessment methods, strategies, and evidence requirements
? Provide information on learning activities and assessment tasks
? List resources which may assist in student learning and assessment tasks
This unit also incorporates Foundation Skills that are embedded within the competency elements.
2. Unit Overview
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to conduct a strategic analysis to develop organisational marketing objectives. This involves reviewing the organisation’s internal and external environments, evaluating past and current marketing performance, and exploring and evaluating new marketing opportunities.
It applies to senior marketing professionals who are responsible for providing strategic direction to the marketing function of an organisation. Their responsibilities include analysing information on internal and external business and marketing environment; examining current marketing performance; identifying new marketing opportunities arising from emerging trends; and devising strategies to achieve overall business objectives.
Individuals operating at this level generally conduct these activities using information gathered by people working under their direct and indirect supervision at lower levels of the organisation.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, the learner/trainee will be able to;
? Identify strategic direction
? Review marketing performance
? Scope marketing opportunities
? Formulate marketing objectives
As well as demonstrating the performance criteria, to be assessed as competent, the learner must demonstrate their ability to apply the required knowledge and skills in a range of situations. These are summarised in the Competency Standards section below.
Prerequisite Requirements
This unit has a NO prerequisite.
Skill Recognition and Credit Transfer
Appropriate credit(s) may be granted to eligible students against each unit of competency on presentation of evidence of successful completion of the same unit in an equivalent or higher qualification. Under the
Australian Qualifications Framework, this qualification recognises competencies achieved as part of a Nationally Recognised Qualification from other institutes or universities.
Students may also apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) by providing evidence that they have the required skills and knowledge in the specific areas of competency through work/industry experience and/or completed eligible assessments in equivalent or higher qualification.
Please refer to college’s RPL/Credit Transfer Policy for more information and applicable procedures. The policy is available either through the faculty coordinator or college’s website.
3. Competency Standards
This unit is derived from the Business Service training package BSB for the qualification BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business.
Competency standards for this unit are made up of unit descriptor (As provided in the Unit Overview), performance criteria, required skills, required knowledge, embedded employability skills components, assessment requirements and evidence guide. They can also be viewed at:
View Unit
The learners must familiarise themselves with all the competency requirements for this unit of competency and ensure that they have received all the relevant information and support from the trainer and assessor that might be detrimental to their academic performance and outcomes.
AQF Descriptor
The Advanced Diploma qualifies individuals who apply specialised knowledge in a range of contexts to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning. Graduates of an Advanced Diploma will have specialised and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge with depth within one or more fields of work and learning.
Graduates at this level will have a broad range of cognitive, technical and communication skills to select and apply methods and technologies to:
? Analyse information to complete a range of activities
? Interpret and transmit solutions to unpredictable and sometimes complex problems ??Transmit information and skills to others
Graduates at this level will apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate autonomy, judgement and defined responsibility in contexts that are subject to change and within broad parameters to provide specialist advice and functions.
Performance Criteria
The following performance criteria specify the required level of performance for each of the elements of competency:
Element Performance Criteria
1. Identify strategic direction 1.1 Confirm organisation’s mission, vision, purpose and values from current organisational materials or from owners, directors or senior management
1.2 Analyse strategic organisational documents to identify organisational directions and targets
1.3 Complete a situational analysis identifying factors impacting the direction and performance of the business
1.4 Identify legal and ethical requirements for the organisation 1.5 Document and confirm strategic direction of the organisation with owners, directors or senior management, and identify its impact on marketing activities
2. Review marketing performance 2.1 Evaluate effectiveness of previous marketing and positioning strategies to identify lessons learned
2.2 Analyse current key products or services and major markets for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
2.3 Evaluate previous marketing opportunities captured by the organisation, and examine and document their profitability
2.4 Evaluate marketing performance against previous objectives, targets to identify critical success factors, and areas for improvement
3. Scope marketing opportunities 3.1 Identify and analyse marketing opportunities for viability and likely contribution to the business
3.2 Use an assessment of external factors, costs, benefits, risks and opportunities to determine scope of each marketing opportunity
3.3 Analyse opportunities for likely fit with organisational goals and capabilities
3.4 Evaluate each opportunity to determine its likely impact on current business and customer base
4. Formulate marketing objectives 4.1 Develop objectives in consultation with key internal stakeholders that are attainable and measurable, and that identify nature and extent of what is to be achieved
4.2 Ensure objectives are consistent with forecast needs of the business and market
4.3 Ensure objectives are compatible with the organisation’s projected capabilities, resources and financial position
4.4 Ensure objectives are compatible with the organisation’s direction and purpose, and meet legal and ethical requirements
BSB60215 | BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Learner’s Guide | V 3.0 | Sept 2020
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
4.5 Formulate long-term strategic objectives and related key performance indicators by product or service, market segment and overall
4.6 Develop a risk management strategy to identify risks and manage contingencies, and to ensure marketing objectives are met in accordance with overall organisational requirements
4.7 Document marketing objectives
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:
??Develop marketing objectives for an organisation including:
o Undertaking strategic analysis reviewing current marketing performance o Formulating short and long-term marketing objectives ??Develop a marketing risk management strategy.
Knowledge Evidence
The following knowledge must be assessed as part of this unit:
? Summarise financial management techniques
? Identify and provide overview of key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting marketing operations
? Analyse organisational structure, policies, procedures, products or services and overall strategic plans of an organisation
? Discuss principles and concepts of marketing and evaluation methodologies ??Compare and contrast strategic, operational and tactical analysis techniques.
BSB60215 | BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Learner’s Guide | V 3.0 | Sept 2020
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
4. Delivery Plan
Delivery is in the form of instructor-led, classroom-based training sessions supported by simulated learning and/or project sessions. Within the class room environment, delivery is supported by classroom-based activities, tasks, lectures and structured lessons. Strategies for classroom-based learning focus on development of skills and underpinning knowledge through practice, formative tasks, interaction, discussion, reading, feedback, and practical examples of the theory.
Delivery Arrangement
The unit will be delivered over a prescribed period (term/semester) in a class-room training environment through a structured learning program comprising of (but not limited to) lectures, presentations, case studies, practical projects, group discussion and class-room based activities. Delivery schedule of this unit of competency is provided at the beginning of this guide. Timetables will be advised at the beginning of each academic term and posted on the notice board and college’s website.
It is expected that training/learning sessions will incorporate group/collaborative activities and tasks that are relevant to the learning and evidence outcomes in this unit. The emphasis of learning, where possible, will be on linking theoretical concepts and models with real-life situations to provide the learners with an opportunity to gain an insight into key technological processes, professional environment and workplace practices.
Delivery Conditions
? Learners are required to attend the prescribed delivery sessions, in particular where assessment plan, schedule, projects, and in-class activities and tasks are planned
? On commencement, the learners should review and understand all the course related information including course structure, prerequisites and competency requirements for each unit of competency
? This unit of competency must be completed within the prescribed duration at the beginning of this document. Due dates for the assessments will be set by respective assessors on commencement of the unit and must be adhered to by all the learners
? The learners have the responsibility to maintain the required attendance and participate in all the inclass activities and assessment/project tasks to be able to develop the required skills and knowledge.
? The learners must keep record of their activities, assessments and research and take an active interest in exploring new concepts and ideas
? On expiry of the prescribed due dates for assessment, the learners will not be able to attempt any assessments or the learning materials and must apply for a course extension. Learners should also refer to other prevailing terms and conditions of delivery and assessment of this course and contact the administration for further information if required.
Lesson Topics and Plan
The following lesson plans are planned for this unit. According to session times, trainers may expand these lesson plans into their own session plans. Trainers must take a special note of the activities planned in the right-hand column. These activities form part of “Formative Assessments”. The formative assessments are not marked (assessed) but they contribute towards learning that prepares them for summative tasks.
BSB60215 | BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Learner’s Guide | V 3.0 | Sept 2020
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
The following topics are covered in the classroom training sessions. The topics for this unit include;
Lesson Topics Activities
1-2 Unit Outline, assessment plan and information, assessment conditions
Key concepts and definitions
Harvard Referencing System: Guidelines and examples
Organisational structure: Examples of different structures
Understanding organisational dynamics: Policies, procedures, ethical and legal guidelines
Marketing Planning process: The perspectives of strategic and business planning
Legislative framework surrounding marketing activities;
Australian Direct Marketing Association (ADMA) Direct Marketing Code of Practice
Australian Government Policy Framework for Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce
Copyright laws
Defamation laws
Anti-discrimination legislation and principles of equal opportunity, equity, and diversity Privacy laws
Trade Practices Act Make a checklist of legal requirements for a marketing campaign of your choice
Discuss: How marketing strategy aligns with other organisational plans?
Review and discuss: Sample strategic and business plan: What is the key marketing strategy?
3-4 Mission and vision statements: Examples
Organisational values and fundamental beliefs
Legal and ethical requirements
Understanding organisational goals and objectives
Understanding organisational strategy
Corporate, business and department level strategies
Outside-in and inside-out strategy
Factors impacting on the direction and performance of the business:
Competitive analysis, market analysis, productivity or profitability analysis
Critical success factors: Business and marketing
Strategic focus and direction for organisations
Examples and discussion Download and review mission statements from famous companies: Discuss in your group
Analysis and
Starbucks: The
Famous Strategic Change Memo from 2007
5-6 Principles and concepts of marketing
Evaluating a marketing program
The ROI of Marketing
Strategic, operational and tactical analysis techniques
Evaluating marketing performance against objectives
Marketing evaluation and analysis tools
The concept of SWOT analysis
Conducting a marketing SWOT analysis
Examples and discussion Case Study Analysis and discussion: Google
Conduct a SWOT
Analysis: Kellogg’s
LCM Snack Bar
Campaign in
BSB60215 | BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Learner’s Guide | V 3.0 | Sept 2020
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
7 Evaluating marketing performance:
Comparative analysis
Competitive analysis
Life cycle models
Product portfolio analysis
Value chain analysis
Identifying Marketing opportunities: Examples
Assessing new marketing opportunities: External factors, costs, benefits, risks and opportunities
Aligning marketing opportunities with organisational objective Case Study Analysis and discussion: A Critical Analysis
AMEX’s Facebook Performance
Examples of comparative and competitive analysis
Product life cycle:
Smart Phone
8-9 Developing marketing objectives
SMART principle
Internal consultative process for organisational alignment
Short-term and long-term objectives
Developing KPIs for measurement of effectiveness of the objectives Meeting legal and ethical requirements
Understanding and estimating marketing contingencies Developing strategies for managing marketing risk
Examples of risk management techniques and discussion Develop marketing objectives for a new product launch in the market
Review and discussion: Marketing objectives: Apple, eBay, Nestle etc.
10 Review and revision
Student Q&A, class discussion Assessment follow up and feedback
Suggested Learner Resources
Kotler P. and Keller K., 2008, Marketing Management (13th Ed.), Prentice Hall, New Jersey
Kotler P., Armstrong G., 2007, Principles of Marketing (12th Edition), Princeton Hall, New Jersey
Ferrell O. C., 2007, Marketing Strategy (4th Ed.), South-Western College, Boston
Flexible Learning Network: General Reference Sites:
Mind Tools: Business Balls:
Harvard Referencing System Guide:
BSB60215 | BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives
Learner’s Guide | V 3.0 | Sept 2020
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
Misc. Videos and Online Channels
Khan Academy Channel
TED Talks
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Channel
Google for Education
Referencing Guide
Harvard Referencing Generator:
BSB60215 | BSBMKG608 Develop Organisational Marketing Objectives Learner’s Guide | V 3.0 | Sept 2020
Pass Global Pty Ltd t/a ALTEC College |Provider Code: 22034 | CRICOS Code: 02926D
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.5 Assessment Plan
Assessments for this unit have been developed by taking into account assessment guidelines as provided in the training package and evidence requirements stipulated in this unit of competency. Assessment is an ongoing process of gathering evidence to determine what each student/learner knows, understands and can do in order to inform teaching and support learning of the intended curriculum.
The purposes of this assessment are;
? To collect evidences that demonstrate competency in the performance criteria of the unit and satisfy skill, knowledge and employability skills requirements
? To provide feedback to the learners/trainees indicating the areas of improvement and professional
? To measure the effectiveness of the delivery plan and evaluate the learning outcomes
The required assessment criteria are provided in each assessment task for learner’s information.
Assessment Method
Assessment in this unit is based on assessment and evidence guidelines provided in the unit of competency
and the training package. The evidence is generated through summative assessment tasks. However, the role of Formative Tasks is crucial in developing the required sk