Reply to my peers

Begin reviewing and replying to peer postings/responses early in the week to enhance peer discussion. See the rubric for participation points. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing viewpoints with a rationale, challenging aspects of the discussion, or indicating relationships between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress.

Peer 1

There can be risk factors that can lead to childhood obesity such as family history, psychological factors, and lifestyle. The main cause of childhood obesity is the combination of exercising too little and eating too much. The risk factor for children and adolescents does differ to a degree. Typically, when you are a child you eat what you are given or how your parents eat. Whereas adolescents can be more verbal with what they may like or dislike and what they choose to eat. Changing eating habits is essential in combating obesity. Increasing physical activity can help. Having activities that the family can do together such as hiking, swimming, or even playing tag. Limiting screen time can play a role in reducing obesity. The more time one spends in front of the tv can cause them to snack more. In order to achieve this, the community should get together and develop strategies on how we can decrease caloric intake but increase physical activity. In my community, we have community centers and I feel this good be a good place to help educate children, adolescents even the parents on good and bad food choices. A lot of community centers even offer exercise and sports.


Roth, E. (2016, January 27). Childhood Obesity: Causes, Risks, and Outlook. Retrieved October 08, 2020, from

Peer 2

           Children and adolescents need the adults in their lives to help make healthy life choices including nutritional health. Healthy People 2020 recognizes several risk factors of childhood obesity. They include genetics, poor nutrition, socioeconomics, knowledge deficit and little to know physical activities. Genetic diseases and hormones can predispose children to childhood obesity. Poor nutrition such as consumption of high saturated fat, high sugar contents and little to no vegetables and healthier choice foods is another risk factor. Lack of access and availability to healthier food choices, living in environment that does not encourage healthy eating and physical activity. Children are more incline to stay indoors engaging in more sedentary activities such as television watching, playing video games or on electronic devices. Knowledge deficit another risk factor, not having the proper education of healthy eating and exercising. The risk factors for obesity for adults is the same as those of children but also include childhood obesity. Objectives include increase numbers of states with nutrition standards for food and beverages, increase primary care who regularly assess body mass index and increase access to healthy food. Community health nurses can contribute to these national health objectives and accomplish the goal of decreasing obesity by working with other stakeholders in the community to create healthy lifestyle through education with wellness programs.


Nutrition and weight status | Healthy people 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved from