Define Absolute Humidity and Relative Humidity in your own words

For this week, go to

Relative Humidity (similar to below).  Please complete the following for your posting this week.  

1) Take a screen shot of the image you are looking at.  Download the screenshot to your files in Canvas, and insert in your submission box. Then, answer the questions below using that screenshot.  List the day and time of the screenshot.

2) Define Absolute Humidity and Relative Humidity in your own words (if your answer is directly from the text, you will lose 5 points). How does relative humidity relate to temperature?  As temperature increases, relative humidity _________? and when temperature decreases, relative humidity ___________?  Explain why this occurs (it will help to read the lectures).  

3) Identify the regions of highest Relative Humidity.  List 3-4 cities and statistics from the map.  Explain the cause for why these regions have high relative humidity.

4) Identify the regions of the lowest Relative Humidity.  List 3-4 cities and statistics from the map. Explain the cause for why these regions have low relative humidity.  

You may want to re-read chapter 4 (10th ed) about oceanic and in-land locations to help you.  You posting should take you 500 words or so to adequately explain the map.  Respond to two other students about what elements they explained well.  Don’t forget that the time of day may affect the percentages that you see.

5) Response to two other students use the map of global precipitation on pages 20-21, Goode’s Atlas;   a)  If you are the first response, identify the amount of precipitation found in the area they        identify as high relative humidity.  Be sure to restate the regions you are identifying.  b)  If you are the second response, identify the amount of precipitation found in the area they        identify as low relative humidity. Be sure to restate the regions you are identifying.