Quiz Instructions

  • This assignment is in quiz format and is based on information covered in Chapter 1 and 2.
  • You will be asked 3 questions and be required to do additional research for each question.
  • You are tasked with demonstrating critical thinking and providing depth and scope to your answers. 
  • For full credit, your answer to question one should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs and question two should have a minimum of three factors within each analysis item of your SWOT analysis.
  • There is no time limit.  


 The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) is the leading professional association for HR. Figure 1-10 provides a summary of the SHRM competency framework.  Go to the SHRM website and spend time reviewing the information provided.

https://www.shrm.org/  (Links to an external site.)

Complete the following:

(1). Find and discuss an article discussed under the “Trends and Forcasting” section. (Click on HR Today on the top, under Trends and Forecasting you will see Research and Surveys). 

(2). What information would be useful to you on this website? Would you find value in a student membership? Why or Why not?


Chapter 2 outlines environmental scanning and how to evaluate internal and external environmental conditions.  From a Human Resource (HR) perspective, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) is critical in strategic planning and preparation for the employees.

You are in charge of the HR team at your organization (or previous organization); the CEO has tasked you with providing a strategical SWOT analysis, from a HR perspective, at the next Board of Directors’ meeting.  Please share your HR perspective SWOT analysis that you will deliver during the strategic planning meeting.

Your need to outline a minimum of three factors within each area of your SWOT analysis.


Outline factors affecting external workforce availability.  Then, research these factors to determine how a human resources team or individual can mitigate the factors your outlined.  Your research needs to include a reference that supports your mitigation plan.