What is their philosophy of life (overall vision or attitude)?

The Goldman Environmental Prize was established in San Francisco in 1989 by Richard and Rhoda Goldman (spouses). The Prize is awarded each year to six individuals from around the world who are engaged in grassroots/local efforts to protect the environment. The award ceremony is held at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House every April to coincide with Earth Day (April 22), followed by an event in Washington, D.C., two days later.


• Visit the Goldman Environmental Prize website.

• Select a recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize.

• Write a profile/biography on the person.

• Specify the following on a cover page:

Name of the person your profile is on

• Include an image of the Goldman Prize winner on your cover page.


• A biography tells the life story of a person. Write your profile as a narrative (essay), not a list of questions and answers.

Research questions

Who are they?

• When were they born?

• Where did they grow up?

• Describe their childhood.

• What was an influential (significant) moment in their life?

• What year did they receive the Goldman Environmental Prize?

• What is their campaign (cause)?

• When did they start? Who else is involved?

• How do they survive (i.e. pay the bills)?

• Has there been any backlash (hostility, conflict)? With whom? Why?

• What is their philosophy of life (overall vision or attitude)?

• What do they embody (signify, represent)?

• Why do some people act?

Word length

• Four (4) pages of text, typed, using size 12-font (any style), double-spaced. This is the minimum. Additional word length is welcome.

• Optional: augment (add to) your profile with visuals (pictures, maps, graphs, cartoons, etc.). Each visual must have a heading (title).


• Investigate more than the Goldman Environmental Prize website.

• Use additional sources (e.g. other Internet sites, books, magazine articles, news clips, documentaries, etc.).